Raising Your Inner Child
Raising Your Inner Child is a transformation journey to unlock and overcome personal resistance to change. Sixteen modules and over fifty activities to help you reach the next version of You.
RYIC Welcome Message
Professional Vitae
Bibliography for This Course
For Those Who Enjoy Poetry
Please introduce yourself
Introductory Activities
Grieving Your Inner Child activity
Ask Your Inner Child What S/he Knows That You've Forgotten activity
What Does Your Inner Child Need? activity
What Made Your Inner Child Happy? activity
Attachment Styles part 1
Attachment styles part 2
Anxious Insecure activity
Anxious Ambivalent activity
Fearful Avoidant activity
Dismissive Avoidant activity
Attachment Styles Closing Thoughts
How Our Parents Form Us
Love, Freedom, Safety, and the Psyche four activities
Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
Setting and Maintaining Boundaries activity
In Mother's Eyes Final Thoughts
The Fantasy Bond and Enmeshment
Fantasy Bond activities
Fantasy Bond activités 1-12
The Origin and Outcome of Intimacy
The Balancing Act of Intimacy
Are You More or Less activity
Must You Trust First? activity
Loyalty is Everything and The Nurturer
A Health Degree of Detachment
Stress and Coping Patterns
Identifying Stressors
Avoidance vs Engagement Coping
Uncovering Avoidance activity
Engaging with Defusion and Reframing
What Do I Avoid
Perceived Powerlessness
Finding Your Power
Closing Thoughts on Psychological Avoidance
When Your Partner is Emotionally Unavailable
Ten Signs of Emotional Unavailability
The Origins of Emotional Unavailability
What Are The Origins of Your Partner's Detachment?
What Does This Mean About Me?
Taking Care of Your Inner Child
Identify and Rewrite Self Defeating Core Beliefs
Identifying Self Defeating Core Beliefs activity
The Origins of Doubt
Identifying the Origin of Your Doubt
Moderators of Doubt
The Third Way
From Limiting to Limitless
Playing with Antonyms
Reviewing Your Choices
Cognitive Dissonance as a Fork in the Road
Cognitive Dissonance as a Call to Action
Cognitive Dissonance Tiptoeing Down the Truer Path
Facing Off with Cognitive Dissonance activity
Eclipsed activity
Learning to Trust
Learning to Trust activity
Deserving Love activity
Have You Ever Sabotaged a Relationship?
Pretest - Do you really keep it real?
Advice for Staying Grounded in New Love
Keeping Track of Your Daydreams
Daydreamer Data Sheet
Two Kinds of Love
In a Perfect World